
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

He's Baaaaack!

Marshmallow the magic elf has made his way back to my classroom and he is up to some new tricks!!
Day 1

Day 2 - YMCA with some new friends :)

Day 3 Hiding in the lights!!! 

Day 4 Hungry Elf

Day 5 We have a sick elf!

Day 6
Marshmallow drew mustaches on the lunch cards!

Day 7 - Marshmallow tied all our gym shoes together!! What a stinker!

I'm so lucky to have such wonderful helpers!

Everyone pitched in!!

Day 8
Our Elf brought everyone a tiny elf puzzle of their very own!

Day 9 Marshmallow made his own Lego chair and is fishing in our tadpole tank... I sure hope he doesn’t catch anything!

Day 10 Today Marshmallow drew all over the windows with dry-erase markers

Day 11 I guess our other toys are jealous of the elf... They are not being very kind!

Day 12 Our poor elf got stuck between the screen and the window

When we came back from library we found him trying to warm up!!!

Day 13
Today the elf made himself student of the week and shared some pictures with us!

Day 14
For Polar Express day Marshmallow brought each of the kids bell of their own!

Final day- I guess Marshmallow is leaving in style! He even has a friend for his drive back to the North Pole!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another Race Game - Vday

Vday Race Game -

Another Bump Game - Vday

Vday Bump -

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here are a couple assessments I made to check my students understanding of fractions. :)

Fraction Coloring Worksheet -

Worksheet - Fractions -

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Winter Bump Game with 8 Sided Dice

Here is another BUMP game that I made for an 8 sided dice.

I have used a similar game from  www.kidscount1234.com

The Rules:
This is a game the kids play with a partner. Each child takes 10 unifix cubes of one color. Their partner has a different color. The first child rolls two 8 sided dice they add or subtract and put a cube on that number. If another player’s marker is on that number they get to BUMP it off. If your marker is on that number, link the cubes together and it freezes that spot and cannot be BUMPED off. The winner is the player that uses all of his/her markers first!

Winter Bump -

Snowman Races

This is just like the other race games I have posted...The kids place one marker in front of each number and take turns solving subtraction problems with two dice. I use the dice in dice you can find at a teacher store. You can use anything for a marker… The marker next to the answer for the math problem is moved forward one space. The goal is to get all the markers to the finish line. Students can even make predictions and guess which number will be the winner! I made this a game using an idea from a co-worker of mine Mrs James Check out her website for more great freebies!

Winter Race Game -

Fractions Match Game 2

Here is another fraction match game I made. You can put it in a pocket chart or just let the students match the cards on the floor. Just print and cut.

Fractions Match Game - Winter -

Winter Time

I put this game together to help my kids learn to tell time. (We only study the hour and the half hour.) The students match the clocks to the right time.

Time matching game -

Noun, Verb, and Adjective Sort

This is a game I made for my class to help them learn the difference between nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

noun_ verb_ adj -

Holiday Bump Game

This is a game I have used from Kidscount1234.com I just made a holiday one so my kids thought it was a new game. :)
The Rules:
This is a game the kids play with a partner. Each child takes 10 unifix cubes of one color. Their partner has a different color. The first child rolls 2 dice (or a dice in dice) they add or subtract and put a cube on that number. If another player’s marker is on that number they get to BUMP it off. If your marker is on that number, link the cubes together and it freezes that spot and cannot be BUMPED off. The winner is the player that uses all of his/her markers first!

Holiday Bump -